C.B. Eller Elementary School

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Parents » CB Eller Title I

CB Eller Title I

C.B. Eller is a Title I School and must adhere to Title I policies





Date Submitted: 07/18/2023

Policy Involvement

C.B. Eller Elementary School's Parent and Family Engagement Plan and information regarding our school's participation in and requirements of Title I and Parent's Right to Know will be presented at our Meet the Teacher Night, during Parent Advisory meetings, and PTO meetings. Parents are invited to complete a yearly parental involvement survey, attend quarterly District Parental Advisory Counsel meetings at Central Services, and attend quarterly Parent Advisory meetings at the school. Parent Involvement is documented by signatures on an attendance sheet. Agendas and notes are provided in the school Title I documentation. These meetings are offered in the evening, after working hours, for the convenience of our stakeholders. All information is provided in a language and format understandable to our stakeholders. If needed, interpreters are also present for support and clarification of any communication. The School Improvement Team also has parent representation, and these meetings are held as open meetings and announced on the school website monthly. The District and School Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Policies will be included and distributed in our annual Student/Family Handbook. Parents return a signed form stating that they have received this information. Parents may contact the school via phone or email at any time with feedback, questions, and suggestions.

Shared Responsibility for High Student Academic Achievement

The School-Parent Compact is a communication tool to support achievement for parents, school staff and students.  The Compact is an agreement on how each person (and the student) will support each other in ensuring that the student is successful. The parent compact will be presented at our Back to School Meet the Teacher Event and during Parent Advisory Meetings. During these times, we survey and solicit feedback as we develop our Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Parents, students, teachers, and administrators are asked to review the compact and sign stating that they agree to follow the stated expectations. Parents are invited to conferences with their child's teacher quarterly. Teachers are available to answer or address any academic concerns. Curriculum nights are planned to provide opportunities for parents to learn new ways to support their child's learning.


Building Capacity for Involvement

C.B. Eller Elementary School provides two parent nights a year with a curriculum focus so that parents can learn new skills to assist their children at home. These events are congruent with our PTO meetings. These nights are established to provide parents with strategies in each curricular area to help their child be successful. The school also sends a monthly newsletter that includes strategies to help students. Parents are encouraged to participate in school activities. C.B. Eller also conducts other grade-level specific informational meetings for parents such as Third Grade Read to Achieve Night and Kindergarten Fun Times. These meetings are planned throughout the school year. Classroom Celebrations, Fall Festival, and East Side Spirit Fest, are some of the other activities C.B. Eller conducts during the school year. C.B. Eller teachers and students also facilitate family conferences to provide opportunities for collaboration regarding the progress of the children. Events are advertised through Class Dojo, monthly newsletters, weekly School Messenger phone and email messages, and social media. All information is translated and shared in Spanish as well as English. 



Many of the programs offered at C.B. Eller will be scheduled in the evenings after work hours. Information regarding scheduling of all events will be available on the school website, social media, and on Class Dojo. Our school and individual classroom teachers utilize Class Dojo as a messaging system to share information with individual students, classrooms, and the whole school. Our school also utilizes Facebook and Instagram as a means of communication with families and the community. When necessary, paper copies of information are sent home with students. Our teachers will provide flexible scheduling for individual parent-teacher conferences. C.B. Eller also has an interpreter who attends meetings/conferences, makes phone calls, and translates all publications, agendas, and documents so that Spanish-speaking families have access to school information. 



C.B. Eller utilizes Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds to provide yearly mailings, informational handouts to promote student attendance, study habits, exceptional children services, and any other information for parents to help their students be successful. A student/family handbook will be printed for each family to inform families of the Parent Family Engagement Policy, Title I Parent Compact, as well as other procedures and information parents need to stay informed and involved in the school community. Monthly school calendars and newsletters will be printed and sent home with each student, to inform families of dates of events such as PTO nights and parent nights. Information and communication is also shared via Class Dojo, the school website, and social media. Supplies are also purchased for take-home bags on our parent nights and for incoming kindergarten students’ families to prepare them for beginning school in the fall. C.B. Eller additionally plans to budget for a Parent Liaison to help with communication(s) to parents: School Website, School Facebook, Instagram, Newsletters, School/Parent Compact distribution and collection, Student Release of Image Permission Forms, Parent Night Sign-in Sheets, and English/Spanish translations for parent letters. 

This document was jointly developed with our Parent Advisory Council.  Every meeting with our parents is documented with an agenda, sign in sheet and minutes of the meeting.  For a copy of any of the documentation mentioned in this plan, please contact Mrs. Teresa Stone at 336-903-6100.



For additional information concerning Title I - please click on the Wilkes County Schools Title I link on the right or under the parents tab.